In a desert, a man found a dog that was dying from thirst,using his hat as a bucket ,he fetched water from well and gave it to the helpless animal.the prophet of the time stated that god had forgiven the man his sins because of his kindly act.
Reflect ,if thou be a tyrant,and make a profession of benevolence.
He who shows kindness to a dog will not do less towards the good among his fellows.
Be generous to the extent of thy power . If thou hast not dug a well in the desert,at least place a limp in a shrine.
Charity distributed from an ox's skin that is filled with treasure counts for less than a dinar given from the wages of toil.
Every man's burden is suited to his strength -heavy to the ant is the foot of the locust.
Do good to others so that on the morrow God may not deal harshly with thee.
Be lenient with thy slave ,for he may one day becoming a king,like a pawn that becomes queen.