Saturday, 2 July 2016

The story of a moth and a candle

Someone said to moth,"go ,thou contemptible creature,and make friendship with one worthy of thyself.Go where thou sees the path of hope. How different is thy love from that of the candle! Thou art not a salamander -hover not around a fire,for bravery is necessary before combat. It is not compatible with reason that thou shouldst  acknowledge as a friend one whom thou knows the be thine enemy.
"What does matter if I burn?" The moth replied.
" I have love in my heart, and this flame is as a flower to me. Not of my own accord do I know myself into the fire;the chain her love is upon my neck.who is that found faults with my friendship of my friend?. I m content to be slain at her feet .I burn because she is dare to me,and because my destruction may affect her. Say not to the helpless man from whose hand the rein have fallen,drive slowly".
(Hikayat E BoSTAN saadi)

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